Thursday, October 25, 2007

High school is not a given for all

Going to high school is still uncommon in a lot communities around the world. Jose lives in a small community of about 100 people outside of the city of Santa Barbara in Honduras. Basically everyone in Jose’s community works as farmers - hardly anyone had the opportunity to go to high school. One reason for not going to high school is that the families need their teenagers to help work in the fields so that the family can eat.

Jose is one of the first to give high school a try. He receives financial assistance from CFCA to attend an alternative high school with classes on the weekends. Jose works in the fields with his family during the week and goes into town for the weekend to go to school. It’s a pretty demanding load, but Jose believes the hard work will pay off if he can finish high school. His example is inspiring younger kids in the community to believe that high school is possible for them, too.

- Dan Pearson, CFCA International Project Coordinator

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.