Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Letter from the Philippines

A sponsored youth from the Philippines recently wrote this letter to her sponsor. We're encouraged to hear of her progress in school, and how sponsorship is making that a reality.

Dear Rola,

First of all, I would like to greet you in a pleasant day, hoping that you are in good condition together with your son ...

I am so thankful to have received an easter card and a post card from you and also I am very much proud of your nice message in it.

During my graduation day I'm being proud of my self because I'm getting 6 medals with the 8 certificate awards... Most Honest, Actress of the Year, Outstanding Pupil Librarian, Journalist, Best in Home Economics, Choir in church, and also the Youth Congress Award ...

I'm taking up in first year High School by next school year. It would not have happened if not for your support. I am thankful that CFCA is there, by your help and support. I am thankful I enter schooling in the National High School. I would like to say many many thanks to you.

I hope to receive more letters coming from you. This is my wish this year. God bless you and your family... I miss you.
